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Filesharers are the music industry’s best customers

The best customers the music industry has a peer-to-peer (P2P) music pirates, according to a recent survey. Commissioned by Demos in the UK, the MORI survey states that if someone pirates their music, it is a good sign for music companies, as these parties would generally buy music legitimately later on. The survey dissuades RIAA logic, which is that all filesharers or ‘pirates’ should be jailed. The survey goes on to say that if the …

Why is Online Radio popular?

With the advent of Web 2.0, the internet has become a playground for all things audio and video. Whether one wants free music online, there are several sources that can cater to a user’s needs. And this means that whether one wants the most popular music at the moment or even retro stuff, torrents, P2P networking sites and even direct downloads make it easy for the power internet user to be able to gain access …