How to Break Into Entrepreneurship
Have you ever wondered what separates your average office worker from the great success stories like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg? If you think about it, it is actually really simple. Most people are comfortable getting a stable paying job working for someone else. Well, the important thing to have in order to become great is the ability to take risks head on and dare to carve up their own piece of the world. While having a guaranteed paycheck is comfortable, it will never make you truly great because you are limited by your environment. Your creativity or ingenuity is limited by what your boss thinks is right. In order to be somebody, you have to act like you are somebody. You need to shoot for the stars and defy gravity.
Now, every entrepreneur had to start small before they became successful. Most of the Silicone Valley billionaires started as one man operations working out of their garage. Now, if you are not tech savvy a good starting business would be online retail. Online retail is easy and cheap to setup and requires minimal capital.
If you have the passion for it, perhaps you should try your hand at fashion merchandising? In online fashion merchandising, all you need to do is setup your webpage and link up with a good wholesaler. There are some wholesalers online that can give great deals on wholesale cosmetics, wholesale hair accessories and other fashion merchandise.
Article submitted by Apparel Showroom. Apparel Showroom offers great deals on wholesale men cologne and other fashion items.