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celebrities, Page 4

Filesharers are the music industry’s best customers

The best customers the music industry has a peer-to-peer (P2P) music pirates, according to a recent survey. Commissioned by Demos in the UK, the MORI survey states that if someone pirates their music, it is a good sign for music companies, as these parties would generally buy music legitimately later on. The survey dissuades RIAA logic, which is that all filesharers or ‘pirates’ should be jailed. The survey goes on to say that if the …

Justin Bieber to take paternity test to prove he didn’t father baby

justin-bieber-mariah-yeater Last week a 20 year-old-woman named Mariah Yeater filed lawsuit against Justin Bieber, claiming she father her. Now Justin Bieber he plans to take a paternity test to prove he is not the father and once that is done he plans to sue Mariah Yeater to make a lesson of others that may want to make false claims against celebrities. READ MORE

Kim Kardashian files for divorce, appologizes to fans

kim-kardashian-divorce Yesterday on 10/31/11 Kim Kardashian filed for divorce from husband Kris Humphries just 72 days after they got married. Apparantly she didn't even bother to let her husband know directly. Kris found out from the media that she had files for divorce. [...]

Lindsay Lohan to pose naked in Playboy for $1 Million

Lindsay Lohan to pose nude in PlayboyYesterday many media reported that Lindsay Lohan had just finished a photo shoot for Playboy for $1 million. Apparently the shoot took four days. TMZ reports that the photos will include frontal nudity. Lohan stated that the photos were "tastefully done." [...]

Madonna to Release New Album in 2012

madonnaMadonna fans: it's time to celebrate. Madonna announced in Venice, Italy during the 68th annual Venice Film Festival taht she will start workingh on her 12th studio album. Madonna is expected to work for the rest of the year on the album. [...]